Peru is a country of 33 million people in west-central South America, on the Pacific coast, lying between Ecuador to the north, Brazil on the east, with Chile to the south.  It is a place of great beauty – the World Heritage Site at Machu Picchu, the long and narrow Pacific Coast rising in the east to the soaring Andes range with world-class mountain peaks rising above 6,000 meters, dropping down through the high jungle to the Amazon Basin with its rich, variable and nearly impenetrable hardwood forests.

We serve in the low jungle, live in the gateway port city of Pucallpa, a shipping port on the Ucayali River for cargo headed north to Iquito and indigenous villages along the way, or south to Atalya and numerous small villages along the river and its tributaries, or carved out of the forest.  Most of the photos in these galleries are from our personal photographic library of journeys and communities on the river that eventually become the Amazon River in the north of Peru.

To view more pictures from Peru and elsewhere, visit Dick's SmugMug galleries, online here.