RiverWind's Board of Directors represents a cross-section of our partners – churches and donor communities, prayer supporters, families and friends.  Board members are passionate about God's mission globally, and RiverWind's ministry to the indigenous peoples in the Amazon basin of Peru specifically.   Board members work hard to ensure long-term sustainability of RiverWind's vision and mission, and ensure that funds raised directly serve those in need.

Board members care for RiverWind organizationally, for those of us on the staff team, and serve the people with whom we work  in remote communities.  The above image is of Doug Cuthbert – pastor, counselor & Board member; third from right  – with a group of local school teachers in Nueva Italia, from a seminar he led upriver.

RiverWind Peru Staff Team

RiverWind staff members share a strong commitment to loving God by serving well the many constituents of our organization.  They are skilled, dedicated and passionate about their work and calling, focusing their time and energy on the weak, the poor and marginalized in Peru's society, the disinherited and dispossessed.  They work tirelessly for the well-being of children, men, women and the elderly.

Serving by Teaching / Josué Missly

Throughout my life I have had the opportunity to serve the Lord in different areas of ministry, more recently I have been able to see that the Lord has clearly highlighted a special gift, that of teaching.

I am sure it was God who guided me to Asociación RiverWind Perú.  He continues to bless me so that I can bless others. Serving at RiverWind I have observed the need for people to develop as servant leaders, taking the Word of salvation to every tribe, language and nation. I have also seen how God edifies his people through his servants.

I am sure that God will continue to prepare me until I become the leader He wants me to be for His glory and honor.