RiverWind's Mission

RiverWind's mission is to encourage churches, equip leaders, and engage communities.  We live and work in the jungle.  As we expand our capacity and increase our human and financial resources, we would like to add environmental education and stewardship, to serve and preserve creation, as delegated to humanity by the Creator God (Genesis 2:15).

Encourage Churches

It is not enough, as a mission effort, simply to plant churches, then moving on to plant more.  Churches are worshiping communities of people.  Our worship - as the Apostle Paul reminded the Roman Christians - is an act of presenting ourselves as holy sacrifices to God (Romans 12:1.  We are too prone to failure in the practice of holiness; we need encouragement to grow in becoming what one writer has called "a thriving community."

Equip Leaders

Leaders, especially in God's church, where all members are gifted for ministry, must learn how to lead effectively.  Leadership in God's community is a matter of gifts given by the Spirit of God.  RiverWind is in a partnership with Scriptures In Use, using the materials authored by them to teach the stories of the Bible chronologically to indigenous cultures, who are more typically Oral rather than Reading cultures.  They use memory, music, dance, drama and art to pass along the histories, movement, spiritual beliefs and social values of their communities.

Engage Communities

As members of God's community, we do not live for ourselves, we live for others.  Jesus called us to announce the Kingdom of God to the kingdoms of the world.  In doing so he commissioned his followers to care for the poor and the powerless, the weak and the wounded, the dispossessed and the down-trodden, the hungry and the homeless, those who thirst for clean water as well as God's righteousness.

RiverWind recruits and receives mission teams - medical, dental, teachers, seminar leaders, construction workers, others - to spend a week or ten days with us in remote jungle villages, conducting medical clinics and providing medicines, providing school materials and backpacks, teaching small business seminars, building churches, taking one small step at a time to help indigenous communities better their circumstances.

RiverWind's History

RiverWind Inc began with passion and a prayer.

The passion was the teaching ministry of Ruth Hidalgo with indigneous people living in remote villages along the Ucayali River in the Amazon jungle of Peru.  Born in the jungle city of Pucallpa, Peru, Ruth had been a credentialed teacher in a prestigious school in Lima.  Her birth was complicated; the first national missionary from Peru to the indigenous in the jungle, Victor Posada, prayed for her safety, committing her to God as a future missionary.  Growing up, Ruth had other ideas; she wanted to be an educator, living and working in Lima, Peru's capital.  She set her sights on her goal and succeded, beyond her dreams!